Oct 28, 2020 Feasibility Carbon Credit Trading
Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) averts millions of tons GHG emissions annually for clients from its building energy efficiency, super-efficient cooling, e-Vehicle, motor replacement, and other appliance energy efficiency programs. MAITREE experts assessed commercial viability of EESL facilitating Certified Emission Reduction (CER) and Voluntary Emission Reduction (VER) certificates which can be subsequently traded by project owners. The objective of pursuing CERs/ VERs was to offset projects costs from CER sales and encourage end-users to invest in energy efficiency.
The Carbon Credit Feasibility study
- Reviews internationally accepted mechanisms and methodologies for VERs and CERs from energy efficiency projects, including environmentally responsible refrigerant disposal
- Analyzes trading prices and conditions for carbon credit markets
- Reviews historical trends, certification or rating systems, methodologies, and platforms
- Features interviews with carbon trading and certification experts in India to understand existing mechanism for developing, certifying, and trading certified and voluntary emissions reduction credits on international and national markets.
- Studies challenges in trading and developing projects, market pricing of credits and medium-term prospects for carbon credit trading
- Assesses financial viability for EESL in facilitating VERs and CERs as a service to customers, and, recommended short- and long-term strategies for entering carbon trading markets as a bulk carbon credits supplier.
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