Launch of Building Energy Efficiency Program (BEEP) dashboard

Building Energy Efficiency Program (BEEP) is the world’s largest program for deploying cost-effective energy efficient technologies in existing buildings. Till date, 10,344 buildings including railway stations use super-efficient appliances supplied through BEEP. Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), a USAID MAITREE program partner, launched the Building Energy Efficiency Program (BEEP) dashboard to monitor and showcase energy, emissions, power, and cost savings from BEEP program.

The dashboard is a platform for building owners where they can view the tangible impact of investing in super energy efficient technologies. Instantaneous and cumulative savings and GHG emission averted are tracked for individual buildings and portfolios. Impact of BEEP across geographical regions is also collated on the dashboard. EESL is also developing a restricted access page on the dashboard to track retrofit implementation progress and financial returns from retrofits.

MAITREE implementing partner Environmental Design Solutions Pvt. Ltd, conceptualized and designed the dashboard with EESL. Visit the dashboard here:

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